Woodwind instruments
 Makassar Ebony
 Makassar Rifts - typical stripes
 in comparison: Ebony from
 Africa (left) and
 Makassar Ebony (right)



Names and distribution: This rare species, botanically Diospyros celebica, belongs to the family of Ebony plants. Its origin is Indonesia.

Appearance: Makassar Ebony is part of the „fancy“ Ebony species with its characteristical heartwood showing in the radial cut pronounced sections and strips of real dark and light brown. Economically low-ranking sawpwood with light-brown appearance may acount to 70 % of the bole volume; a result of late maturization / edging / change of color of the interior section of the tree bole.

Properties: Density is above 1.0 and reported as being around 1.1 bis 1.3 tons/m3. Processing not extremely difficult, more difficult is KD. Surfacing shall be conducted in the light of Makassar's high portion of soluble incredients with (may) hardening problems of oils and varnish. Tests should be made.

Use: High end cabinet works, ship building, Veneers, wood for music instruments (guitars), turnery objects

Reference objects: 
Dreadnought Guitar, Joe Striebel
E-Guitar, Ralf Happe
Griffbrett, E-Bass, Phantom Guitars
Cembalino, Werkstätten Willer, Tübingen

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty
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