Tops for guitars
 Dalbergia-Arten in comparison:
 Kingwood (left)
 Cocobolo (right)
 Rosenholz (bottom)

Names and Distribution: The term "Rosewood" is used for many timbers. Strictly speaking, only timbers of the genus Dalbergia deserve that name. The best known examples are: Rio rosewood (Dalbergia nigra), East Indian rosewood = indon. Sonokeling (Dalbergia latifolia), Amazon Rosewood (Dalbergia spruceana) and Honduras rosewood (Dalbergia stevensonii). Other Dalbergia species carry their own name without the "Rosewood". One example is Kingwood (Dalbergia cearensis).

For more information see Rosewood

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty
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