Cedro (Cedrela spp.,
'Spanish Cedar')
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Names and distribution: Botanically the species Cedro (Cedrela odorata and Cedrea lilloi) belongs to the family of Meliaceae. They are closely related to true mahogany. The genus Cedrela is spread through Central and Latin America. The most commonly used type is C. odorata, also known under the name of Spanish cedar. The heavier Cedrela lilloi occurs in Southern America; densitywise it reminds of Swietenia varieties. Cedro is more readily available than genuine mahogany, but export and import restrictions for some supplier countries apply recently.
The name "Spanish cedar" is somehow misleading, because this species neither belongs to the genus Cedrus spp. nor does it occur in the country of Spain. It would probably never survive even one winter on the Iberian peninsular…

Appearance: Heartwood pale yellowish brown to reddish brown, darkening at light, sapwood light gray. Pores medium sized, often filled with dark deposites, medullary rays very fine and irregular arranged. Grain predominantly straight. Fresh wood strongly aromatic, later slowly slacking, overall plain, barely decorative.

Properties: Density at 12% moisture content is 0.45 to 0.58 t/m3 depending on place of ​​origin. The shrinkage value from green to 12% MC is specified as 5.6% tangentially and 3.8% radially. Cedro can be dried fast and easily. Cedro can be processed without difficulty with all tools. Decorative and smooth surfaces can be obtained. Gluing and surface treatment identical to mahogany. There are reports of mucosal irritation caused by dust. On the other hand, it is appreciated for its fragrant smell especially for the construction of cigar boxes ("Humidors"). The wood is weather resistant.

Use: Decorative wood for furniture, interior design, boat building, dimensionally stable frameworks such as windows and doors, musical instruments, cigar boxes (humidors), incent wood.

Replaces: true mahagony, etc.

Informationsdienst Holz 1976, Datenblatt Nr. 38
ATIBT 1990: Atlas de Maderas Tropicales de America Latina
GOTTWALD, 1970: Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty
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