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Names and distribution: Under the genus Cedrus, the cedar of Lebanon is probably the grandest kind, which has produced impressive solitary trees. Cedrus libani is naturally widespread in the Tauride Mountains, in Syria and Lebanon. However, the majority of closed forests became the victim of ancient Egyptian and Greek ship building activities. While the cedar of Lebanon is met only sporadically in the Middle East, it spread into Central European gardens and parks, especially in Switzerland and southern France. 

Appearance: Sapwood whitish bright, heartwood light red-brown, latewood zones clearly demarcated, comparatively wide annual rings (trees from mountain areas are rare). Velvety overall appearance. Decorative.

Properties: Cedarwood has a density around 0.40 tons / m³ at a MC of 12%. Dimensional stability is high, kiln drying is not a problem. Appealing surfaces can be obtained with all tools. Moderate to low hardness. Nevertheless cedar has a high natural durability.

Use: classic wood in shipbuilding, suitable for furniture, interior design, dimensionally stable frameworks, humidors. In the form of chips or oil as protection against moths, flies and mosquitoes.

Gottwald (1970): Bestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty