ahorn europ8
 Sycamore lightly curly,
 ripened on the light
ahorn europ_ger_aaa
 Sycamore, curly
Ahorn europ A verf55
 discoloured, with small knots
tonewood :






Names and distribution: The name "Maple" generally refers to the species 'Sycamore' (Acer pseudoplatanus). It is spread across Central and Eastern Europe. Particularly prized growing regions are Scotland and Bosnia. In Germany, it is well represented in mixed deciduous forests and thrives alongside beech, oak and ash. Besides Sycamore also Norway maple and field maple is found in Germany, albeit to a much lesser extent. Both species differ in stem form and color from sycamore.

Appearance: All woods of the genus Acer are characterized by a conspicuous uniform structure, fine pores and a whitish light yellow color. However, curly spots also occur occasionally, which is particularly popular. The latewood zones are clearly defined. With Sycamore these tend to light brown while with Canadian maple they tend to reddish. Norway maple and field maple are usually more colorful, i.e. brownish gray or pinkish gray and are often heavily damped to equalize differences in color. In terms of its density the wood from sycamore is compared with beech, also as simple and straight graining. Decorative.

Properties: The specific weight is given with about 0.68 t/m3 at a moisture content of 12%. Sycamore must be processed and dried quickly to avoid discoloration. Green wood tends to discolor (pale imprints). The shrinkage is indicated as 2.5% radially and 5.5% tangentially. The dimensional stability of maple is good or satisfactory, the values are between those of oak and beech. Maple is good to process with all the tools, smooth surfaces are generated. E-Modulus varies from 9,400 to 11,400 N/mm2. The Brinell hardness is given as 27. The wood is fungus sensitive and nondurable.

Use: Furniture, flooring, turnery goods, musical instruments, veneers

Reference objects: 
Guitar, Jochen Imhof, SIGN GUITARS
Gottwald (1970)  Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
Informationsdienst Holz (1987), Merkblattreihe Holzarten, Blatt 80
dito                           (1998), Einheimische Nutzhölzer und ihre Verwendung
WAGENFüHR (1996) Holzatlas

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty
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